BasIS Storage on-Demand
RSC BasIS Storage on-Demand is built on top of the orchestration platform BasIS Automation, a part of RSC Composable Architecture.
Designed to achieve record-breaking performance, it dynamically aggregates storage devices distributed across compute servers1 into on-demand clustered storage systems of your choice.
The chosen approach allows increasing the performance and capacity of the storage system as the number of computing servers increases, i.e. protect your investment and lower your TCO!
1 Composable storage system RSC BasIS Storage on-Demand combines hyperconverged and composable approaches, i.e. does not require the purchase of a dedicated storage system, using disks from compute nodes, and the same servers to run storage services.

- Disaggregation of NVMe storage devices from compute servers to device pools using NVMe over Fabrics technology
- RoCE
- Inifniband
- Intel OmniPath
- Support for user space execution mode using SPDK technology
- Composition of disaggregated storage devices from pools of devices, according to user requirements for capacity and IO performance
- Support for high-performance clustered file systems, primarily NFS, Lustre and DAOS (Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage)
- Storage hierarchy management

On-demand layout
Due to its dynamic nature, storage can be provided in two modes:
1. Independent configuration managed by an administrator
Designed to create "long-term" configurations
2. Integration with task schedulers
In integration with supercomputer (SLURM) or cloud (K8S) schedulers, it automatically provides the file system required by the user as part of the computational task, and also performs loading and unloading (staging) of user data
Record performance
Confirmed by the regular hit of storage systems in the international rating IO500

Using your own RAID implementation, designed to support NVMeoF RAID technology, you can get:
- up to + 20% throughput in the IO500
- up to + 100% IOPS in IP500

IO500 Q2 2020
# 17 and # 22